Sudhan Ramesh is a BecauseYOU community member based in Chennai. Below are his reflections starting 2022 with an intention and on the role of community in a person's journey.

A realisation one morning when I was waking up, thoughts about the new year, on the hope that it's supposed to bring. Clichéd resolutions? Something struck me, that I should strive to build myself from the inside out and I knew then I will not be able to do it alone. I need help, I need support, I need feedback. I need to be better than who I am, not to accomplish anything, but just to be better and kind to myself.
What better way to do that, than having a community that you can call your own, who would be there for you, not just to support you and lend a ear to listen to you, but grow and get nourished together, to feel the presence and cherish the serene beauty of what life has to offer in myriad forms and experiences, and that realisation that morning, to me, is the true meaning of living life.
I see myself sitting alone
meaningless stare at nothing
Deluge of wandering thoughts
A wary view of the blabber
Search for a silver lining
Among the greys, in and out
Gusts of helplessness
Wisps of reconciliations
Why a pattern so taxing
proclivity to negativity
Know of choice that matters
break down or break it down
Lo, a nature’s trail beholds
mycelium of being alive
Not of one but of all
Nourishing bonds beneath dirt
Resolve now to build
A reinforced scaffolding
Of all that’s beautiful
Reach out to connect
There’s more of you
Out there, than within you
Find all and find yourself
Commune with all that’s dear
And make dear all that’s there
Just one is a step closer
To go beyond your brink
Break your barriers
With the new fellowship
Embrace and face together
Not a race or of survival
A life to live with will
A will to make better
the union of all life
A celebration of Gaia
A celebration of us